Prepare to Have Your Life Changed

Meeting your newborn for the first time is a profoundly significant moment for both parent and infant. It is an extraordinary event which begins your journey together as separate–yet–ever-connected human beings.

The magnitude of this truth can evoke a wide range of responses.

Perhaps that’s why childbirth preparation classes are more common than parenting preparation classes – giving birth is literally an event – while being a parent is everyday existence.

RIE® Before Baby™ classes at Nurtured Child are for anyone thinking about, preparing for, or expecting a newborn infant. Rather than helping you prepare for an event, our Before Baby™ class prepares you to begin a life-long relationship based on respect, understanding, and mutual trust. Being together in this way requires both practical and emotional considerations. Before Baby™ is a down-to-earth, realistic class designed to offer concrete and sensible guidance to prepare for the everyday encounters of this relationship.





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